The UAE has amended its federal arbitration law to introduce more flexibility to arbitration proceedings and lift certain restrictions on the parties’ freedom to nominate arbitrators. While most of the amendments are cosmetic and reiterate established principles of UAE law (e.g., the tribunal’s freedom to assess the evidence and the… Read more
The Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai announced yesterday a new end-of-service benefits system for employees in the private sector and free zones. This voluntary initiative will include the establishment of savings and investment funds from the private sector, overseen by the Securities and Commodities Authority in partnership with the… Read more
Earlier this year, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI) issued a resolution amending the Companies Law thereby compelling Kuwait Shareholding Companies (KSC) to include in their budgets a clause that supports Kuwait Foundation for Advancement of Sciences (KFAS) with 1 percent of their annual net profits. On 17 August… Read more
As part of the series of new Ministerial Decisions under Federal Decree-Law No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Businesses, the UAE Ministry of Finance introduced, on 28 July 2023, the following three new Cabinet Decisions: 1- Cabinet Decision No. 74 of 2023 outlining the Executive Regulation… Read more
The Saudi Arabian Civil Transactions Law (the “Law”) was enacted by Royal Decree no. M/191 on 19 June 2023 and is expected to become effective on the 16th of December 2023. The Law is the first civil code for the Kingdom. Prior to its enactment, civil transactions were governed by… Read more
The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization announced yesterday that the Government’s Emiratization drive now includes private companies with 20 to 49 employees. This expansion applies to companies across 14 economic sectors, including, inter alia, real estate, education, construction, and healthcare. Previously, only companies with 50 or more employees were… Read more
On 30 May 2023, the CPA announced that it has fined a company a total amounting to 5% of its total revenues. The company, who runs a booking application platform, had failed to secure CPA’s consent prior to completing the economic concentration process. Based on CPA Law no. 72 of… Read more